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Hope Floats Long Island Inc. Joins the campaign to keep Food Allergy Children safe in our schools. Not only
helping with educating children, but also getting
much needed items for schools such as: information, lunch ideas, snacks, and supplies.
Keeping these items separate for all children with food allergies. 

 If you have fallen ill due to contaminated food, please contact Keep Food Safe advocacy group.  When dining out or shopping, consumers, including those with allergies, deserve the assurance that their food is safe for consumption. Unfortunately, negligence from food providers often leads to severe illnesses or fatalities. Keep Food Safe aims to maintain trust in the food we consume. Check out their advocacy site below: Food Allergies -

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Food Allergy

Field Guide

Hope Floats

Food Allergy Awareness Program:

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Click Here for all the Information to bring this program into your school.

How Many Children Have Food Allergies?


  • Researchers estimate that up to 15 million Americans have food allergies.

  • This potentially deadly disease affects 1 in every 13 children (under 18 years of age) in the U.S. That’s roughly two in every classroom.

  • The economic cost of children’s food allergies is nearly $25 billion per year.


Food Allergy Reactions & Anaphylaxis


  • Every 3 minutes, a food allergy reaction sends someone to the emergency department – that is more than 200,000 emergency department visits per year. 

  • A reaction to food can range from a mild response (such as an itchy mouth) to anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially deadly reaction.

  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported that food allergies result in more than 300,000 ambulatory-care visits a year among children under the age of 18. Food allergy is the leading cause of anaphylaxis outside the hospital setting.

  • Once an anaphylactic reaction starts, a medication called epinephrine is the first line of defense to treat the reaction, and you should immediately seek emergency medical attention by calling 911. You can protect yourself by learning the symptoms of allergic reactions and knowing what steps to take if you have a severe reaction.

  • Teenagers and young adults with food allergies are at the highest risk of fatal food-induced anaphylaxis.

  • Individuals with food allergies who also have asthma may be at increased risk for severe/fatal food allergy reactions.

  • Symptoms of anaphylaxis may recur after initially subsiding and experts recommend an observation period of about four hours to monitor that the reaction has been resolved.

  • It is possible to have anaphylaxis without any skin symptoms (no rash, hives).

  • Failure to promptly (i.e., within minutes) treat food anaphylaxis with epinephrine is a risk factor for fatalities.



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